Mahavishnu,one among the Supreme Triumvirate,took avatar of Parasuram and descended into the world with a brief from Brahma(the father figure of the Supreme Triumvirate) .Thus Parasuram eliminated Karthyaveerarjuna, a kshathriya king who set his muderous eyes on Kamadenu,the divine cow. Then he signelled the world the end of his mission on earth by hurling his trade mark weapon, the axe,into the heart of Arabian Sea, and.. there emerged a strip of Paradise from beneath the sea,which now bears the sobriquet GOD'S OWN COUNTRY-KERALA, THE ENCHANTING LAND that Parasuram brought up from the nether world.
Now, Kerala- First indian state to achive total literacy.State with lowest infant mortality.State with lowest birth rate.state withh highest life expectancy.